In the fall of 2022, East Three Secondary School (ETSS) will be celebrating 10 years of service to the community of Inuvik! Located on the traditional territories of the Gwich’in and Inuvialuit Peoples, ETSS was named after the original survey section (East Branch, Site 3) used for determining the final location for the town site of Inuvik.
Located on the famous Dempster Highway, Inuvik is the largest Canadian community north of the Arctic Circle and the regional government center for the Mackenzie-Delta and Beaufort Regions of the Western Northwest Territories (NWT). Steeped in rich history and cultural connections, Inuvik is also the last stop before traveling further North on the road to the Arctic Ocean and the community of Tuktoyaktuk.
ETSS has a regular population of just over 300 students in Grades 7-12, with 52 full time staff members; including teachers, administrators, support assistants, custodial and student support services. ETSS offers a full course package suitable for all graduation pathways, with local Indigenous language classes, French Immersion (Gr 7-9), auto and carpentry shop, physical education program and on the land learning opportunities. ETSS is also home to the Northern Distance Learning (NDL) program, a virtual teaching network that services online learning opportunities for 20 different communities within the NWT.